How to build different HTTP Requests in Postman?
Details about building the basic GET, POST, PUT and DELETE requests types in Postman
Hello People!!
How are you all? We can discuss about the basic request building part in Postman.
HTTP (HyperText Transfer Protocol) is the protocol used to send and receive data over the Internet. When you make an API call, an HTTP client sends a request to an HTTP server, which then sends back a response with the requested data to the client.
An HTTP request is an action to be performed on a resource identified by a given Request-URL(baseURL). Request method names are case-sensitive, and should always be denoted in upper case i.e GET, POST etc.. There are various HTTP request methods with specific purposes, we use different methods for different API actions.
Once you read through the Postman 101 blog, you will now have an idea on how to create Workspaces, Collections and Requests.
HTTP Requests are nothing but the action of the API.