What’s Postman API? How can we integrate with the existing APIs/requests?

Pricilla Bilavendran
4 min readMar 30, 2021

Yes, Postman is used by millions of users due to its usability and features.

But different people use Postman for different purposes and with different tools. For that purpose Postman as such have few APIs to help users in different contexts. I am writing this post inspired by a question from the Postman Community Forum. No wait, let’s see the capabilities of the Postman API.

To start with, you need to navigate to the public workspace and from there you need to fork the Postman Man API and start using it.

As a pre-requisite here you would need a Postman account of course and a valid API-Key.


  1. Login to your Postman account.
  2. Click the Profile Picture of yours.
  3. Select “Account Settings”.

4. Now the webpage is launched and navigate to “Postman API Keys” section.

5. Generate the new API key here, by providing the Name of your choice.

